Ellis Partners & Edge2Learn


Visit our Event Calendar to view the schedule for upcoming webinars.


Are You Retaining Your Residents?

Retaining your residents is easier and cheaper than acquiring new residents. As the market gets more competitive, it is often too easy for your residents to leave you for another community. You need to find an edge to make staying with your community more attractive than trying something new. In this webinar, we discuss tips to keep your residents loyal, happy, and engaged, which will ensure resident retention.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Creating a Customer Journey Map

Because taking care of your residents is always a first priority, we discuss how to execute a great customer experience for your existing residents.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Creating a Great Customer Experience in a Digital World

In this webinar, we discuss how the customer experience has changed with the ever growing presence and preference of online communication.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Creating a Positive Company Culture

In this webinar, we discuss the value of a great company culture and impacts your leasing and customer experience.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Creating Sticky Customer Communication That Wins

“Sticky” communication is memorable and shareable. Whether you’re communicating via social media or in-person conversations, your storytelling needs to be sticky. In this webinar we discuss tips and ideas to create sticky conversations.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Customer Experience and Resident Retention

In this webinar, we learn how to create a customer journey map with implementation tips and strategies.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Defining and Delivering a Great Customer Experience

The Customer Experience you are providing matters more than you might realize.


  • What Customer Experience Encompasses
  • Ways to Structure the Customer Experience
  • How to Address and Improve the Customer Experience

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation.  View the updated presentation.

Developing a Customer Experience Audit

Is your customer experience as good as you think it is? In this webinar, we discuss how to audit your customer experience and then create an action plan to improve it.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Developing a Great Customer Experience – Part I

In this session we cover:

  • How to tie your customer experience efforts to your strategy and goals
  • Behaviors of your loyal customers

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
BONUS: New slides from updated presentation.  View the updated presentation.

Developing a Great Customer Experience – Part II

In this session we cover:

  • How to actively listen to your customers and map the customer journey
  • How to create accountability and empower action

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Difficult Residents Strike Again!

We all have a handful of difficult residents that take up too much of our time. In this webinar, we will learn how to better manage them and their expectations. We will share communication tips and techniques.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Don’t Get Dumped This Holiday Season

As we wrap up the year, let’s take one final look at how to overcome objections, specifically lease renewal objections. Hearing “no” is hard if you aren’t prepared. In this webinar, we prepare you to answer those difficult questions and convey value to your residents when it is time for lease renewals.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Encourage Residents to Complain Before They Explode

Most people dislike confrontation and won’t bother complaining when they think nothing will come of it. There are also those who fear they will end up feeling angrier or more annoyed because their feedback will be ignored or dismissed as unimportant. But research shows customers who complain and are satisfied with how their complaint is resolved are actually more loyal than customers who had no problem at all! If receiving complaints and handling them well can strengthen resident loyalty, it is also likely that handling complaints poorly will have a negative impact on resident loyalty. When a resident complains, they are giving you a gift. In this webinar, we discuss tips to help you discover and make the most of resident complaints:

  • Each resident is uniquely wired, so work to offer a “buffet” of complaint channels.
  • Resident silence is not golden! Your business must understand the whole story.
  • Bad news travels faster than good news; stop the train in its tracks!
  • A resident’s complaint will improve their perception and memory of their experience—good or bad.
  • With options at their disposal, your employees will be more focused on making the customer happy.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Identifying Prospect Personas

Do you feel like your target prospect is a bit vague?  In this session we will discuss how you can dig deeper into your target audience, identify your prospect persona, and learn how to use the information you uncover to maximize your marketing potential.

In this webinar, we learn:

  • How to better understand your target audience
  • How to develop prospect personas
  • How to adjust your content and marketing based on your prospect personas

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

It’s All About Customer Experience

In this webinar, we learn 4 essential habits that create consistency and will help you create a great customer experience for every customer, every time.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Handle Unhappy Residents

In this webinar, we discuss how to improve an unhappy resident experience. Unhappy residents can become your biggest advocates when delicate situations are handled properly.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Reward Your Residents

Looking to build a loyal resident base? Maybe you just want to tell some of your biggest advocates thank you.

In this webinar, we discuss  how to reward your residents for their support, feedback, and loyalty.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Making a Great Impression Through the Customer Experience

The first impression is often the most important impression, but making a great impression is not something that happens only once. In this webinar, we discuss how to reestablish a great impression throughout the entire resident lifecycle.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Stop Yelling at Me! What to Do When Your Residents and Customers Are Not Happy

Unhappy, unsatisfied (and extremely vocal about it!) residents and customers are a reality of life in residential property management. Even the best companies, with the best people and the best of intentions fall short in the eyes of their customers; and when they do fall short, how they handle those situations can go a long way to whether customers become residents, and whether residents remain residents!

In “Stop Yelling at Me!” we discuss:

  • A solutions-based road map that you can follow to guide your upset residents and customers through the complaint process!
  • How to identify when something you’re saying or doing isn’t working and how to change course to a strategy that will work!
  • That effectively handling difficult residents, customers and situations isn’t as hard as you think!!

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

The Art of Resident Retention

Your residents are your most powerful sales tool. To be successful, your focus must be on retaining residents as much as gaining new residents. In this webinar, we discuss tips for creating a positive resident experience which will ensure they are happy and selling for you.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

The Fine Art of Taking a Service Request

Perhaps the single most important factor in resident retention is the on-site professional’s response to a resident’s request for “service”. Most often, that request is one for maintenance in the resident’s apartment home. The attitude of the staff in handling a service request, the response time, and the manner in which the work is done will significantly impact the resident’s decision to refer their friends to the community, renew their lease, and even pay their rent promptly. Whether the request comes through your online resident portal or in person from a visit to the office, this is a moment of truth! Will the resident experience the excellent service that was promised on your website and in the initial leasing presentation?

Do it right and you make a customer for life…or at least for a few years.

The service request “opportunity”

  • Making each service request a powerful retention event
  • Providing FEP Service… Memorable Service
  • Accepting a service request in person, on the phone, and online
  • Following up on a maintenance request
  • Honoring the Service Promise

Your ongoing maintenance program is the foundation of your resident service and retention efforts. Start here and all other services and activities will ring true!

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar. (View the BONUS course handout.)

Turning Around a Negative Experience

n this webinar, we discuss how to turn a negative experience into a positive experience. Unhappy residents can become your biggest advocates when delicate situations are handled properly. We will also discuss when NOT to post, tweet, share, respond.
View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Who is Your Ideal Audience and Are You Marketing Them

We often get stuck in a rut of marketing to a broad audience, because it is easier. But identifying your ideal resident will get you much further.

In this session, we talk about how to identify who you should be targeting and how to encourage that audience to engage with you online.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.


An Introduction to Apartment Ratings and Reviews

Learn the basics of apartment ratings & reviews, including:

  • The importance of participating in the conversation
  • How positive reviews can drive leases
  • How negative reviews offer an opportunity to engage
  • The power of embracing reviews
  • What you need to do to make an impact

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Crisis Management

In this webinar, we discuss how to manage crisis online and manage angry residents.

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Creating a 90-day Reputation Management Plan

In this webinar, we discuss how you can create a plan to manage and improve your reputation in as little as 90 days!

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Four Secrets to Success with Ratings and Reviews

Get the insider scoop! We reveal 4 SECRETS to achieving success with apartment reviews. (Hint: One involves customer service!)

View the recorded webinar.  Download slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation.  View the updated presentation.

How To Ask for Reviews and Encourage Feedback


  • How to ask for apartment reviews
  • When to solicit reviews and from whom
  • How to increase customer reviews
  • When and how you should engage with your reviews page

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

How To Encourage Reviews and Receive Feedback

How you respond to negative reviews often determines whether or not a prospect will ever visit your property. Before you respond, you need to understand how to receive feedback, the good and the bad.

In this webinar, we cover how to encourage the good reviews and the constructive reviews.

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

How to Gain An Edge Over Your Competition By Using Apartment Reviews

Learn about:

  • How to leverage your positive reviews against the competition
  • How to use your competitors’ reviews to hone your sales pitch
  • How to set your customer service apart by arming yourself with competitor reviews

View the recorded webinar.  Download slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation.  View the updated presentation.

How to Make Your Reviews Work for You

Reviews are an excellent sales tool.  If handled strategically, your ratings and reviews can do all the heavy lifting for you. Or, they can be your detriment.  In this webinar, we share how to maximize the positive impact of reviews.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Respond To Apartment Reviews: An In-Depth Lesson


  • Detailed Instructions for Crafting Responses to Reviews
  • Recommendations for When and How to Respond
  • Real Examples of ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly’ Reviews

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.
October 2014: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

Improving the Score of Your Online Reputation

Have a few bad reviews? Don’t worry!  You can overcome it and improve your score.

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • How to improve your online reputation
  • How to use your residents to tell your story.
  • Tips for encouraging resident engagement with reviews

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

The Best Way to Manage Your Online Reputation

In this webinar we discuss the most efficient and effective way to manage your online reputation.

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

The Dark Side of Reputation Management

There is a crackdown on deceptive online reviews, and giving yourself 5 stars might lead to trouble.

People assume they are reading authentic consumer opinions on review sites, so it makes the practice of fake reviews even more deceptive. Learn how to protect yourself and prevent fake reviews.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

We Got An Apartment Review. Now What?

Learn about:

  • Ways to respond to positive and negative reviews
  • How to draw out valuable feedback from reviews to share with your team
  • Methods for capitalizing on the opportunities presented by your reviews to help improve the customer experience

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

What Ratings and Reviews Really Tell You

There is more to ratings and reviews than just meets the eye.
In this webinar, we discuss:

  • How to use Ratings & Reviews to grow your business
  • How to implements change based on feedback in reviews
  • How to learn about your competition using Ratings & Reviews

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Who Should Respond to Apartment Reviews: Corporate or On-site?

Panel discussion with multifamily industry experts on responding to apartment reviews. Hear how others in the industry handle apartment reviews and gain insights for further developing your company’s strategy for responding.

In this webinar, we cover:
• Why ratings and reviews are important
• Trusting employees to respond appropriately
• Who should be responsible for responding
• Escalation protocols and crisis management
• Templates and accountability for responding to reviews
• Company culture surrounding apartment reviews

View the recorded web Q&A panel discussion.

Why You Should Care About Apartment Ratings & Reviews

Apartment reviews play a significant role in influencing your rental prospects. We take a deeper look at:

  • Why you should care about reviews
  • How reviews directly impact your community
  • Effects on SEO and reputation management
  • Your educated rental prospect

View the recorded webinar.  Download slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View updated presentation.


3 Keys to Unleashing Employee Potential

What percentage of potential do you think your employees are delivering? 50%? 60%? 70%? Imagine having the right approach to influencing your employees in taking their performance up just a notch or two – that one extra degree. What would that mean for your results?

Leaders at all levels must realize how crucial it is to foster a workplace environment in which employees can thrive and maximize their unique talents. In this 30-minute, jam-packed webinar, you will discover three key coaching skills that will unleash employee potential and support overall individual, team, and business success. In this webinar, we learn about:

  • Aligning for Impact
  • Connecting for Engagement
  • Empowering for Self-Reliance

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

5 Steps to Overcoming Objections

“I liked the apartment, but I’m just getting started on my apartment search!” “The kitchen is a little too old.” “I loved the apartment, but it’s a little more than I wanted to pay per month.”

Do these objections sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Experience has shown that most rental prospects do not lease during their first visit to a community and surveys reveal that only 40% of rental prospects complete the rental process within 30 days! This means lots and lots of rejection and objections for onsite leasing teams!

In this webinar, you’ll discover a proven five-step process to handling objections which will help you strike a balance between not doing enough and doing too much to address and overcome your customer’s objections.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

6 Reasons to Resuscitate the Pen & Paper

When was the last time you received a handwritten letter in your mailbox? Today’s typical home receives a personal letter about every seven weeks. Unlike e-communications, handwritten notes are unique because they are capable of engaging people on a deeper level than other forms of communication. It’s a little thing that can make a big difference in customer experience.

Join us as we navigate through the 6 reasons to resuscitate the pen and paper at your leasing desk.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

10 Leasing Hacks in 30 Minutes That Will Maximize Your Sales Now!

In this webinar, participants learn:

  • Specific strategies that will increase their effectiveness on the phone
  • How to craft emails to prospects that create connection and increase their interest in the community
  • The secrets of building rapport during the leasing tour
  • How to overcome common objections
  • The essentials of creating an effective follow-up strategy

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

10 Leasing Hacks v2.0 – Another 30 Minutes That Will Maximize Your Sales Now!

In this webinar, participants learn additional strategies to increase sales effectiveness on the telephone and during the tour, as well as when conducting follow-up.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

10 Leasing Hacks v2.0 – Another 30 Minutes That Will Maximize Your Sales Now!

In this webinar, participants learn additional strategies to increase sales effectiveness on the telephone and during the tour, as well as when conducting follow-up.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

The buyer is in the driver’s seat no matter what product or service is being purchased, yet they continue to make purchasing decisions using subconscious mind games and emotions. Add to that your changing role as a leasing professional and you can be left wondering how you will leverage both to lease more apartments! In this webinar, we discuss:

  • of sales to positively affect your success
  • How your role has changed and why you must adapt

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

In 2015, Gallup’s Annual U.S. Worker Engagement study revealed that only 35% of our workforce is engaged. When the level of individual and team engagement increases, so does productivity and performance — and the entire boat begins to rise. In this webinar, we discover:

  • The difference between employee engagement and employee satisfaction
  • How highly engaged employees perform differently
  • The most important factor to drive employee engagement
  • The dynamics of your team and how you can engage them
  • The DNA of highly engaged companies
  • 10 Ideas to lift your boat

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Create a Thoughtful Sales Strategy

In this webinar, we discuss the best methods to develop a strategic sales strategy.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Avoiding the Six Common Mistakes Sales Professionals Make

Every day, sales and leasing professionals make common mistakes that get in the way of making the sale! The hard part is you may not even know you’re doing the very things that are making it harder to close the deal. Whether you’re new to multifamily sales and leasing or are an industry veteran, you’ll discover something in this webinar that you can apply right away to boost your sales and leasing game.

In this webinar, we cover:

  • The right time and wrong time to ask for the sale
  • What to focus on during the sales presentation
  • The importance of preparation and flexibility
  • How to set yourself up for success every day

View the recorded webinar. Download the handout from this webinar.

Closing Effectively from the First Contact

Refine your approach and be a ‘master closer’ on your next leasing presentation.

In this webinar, we cover:

  • The Master Closer
  • Three Reasons Why Leasing Professionals Fail to Close
  • Closing Basics – It is NOT A Close…it is a Commencement!
  • Overcoming Objections and Handling Put Offs
  • Anticipate Questions – The Easiest Way to Overcome Objections
  • Five “closes” to get the CLOSE!

View the recorded webinar. Download the handout from this webinar.

Closing Techniques

Sales techniques have changed and today’s prospects expect and want a different experience. In this webinar, we talk about the most effective closing techniques you can use.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
BONUS: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

Creating Interest Over the Phone and Email

A phone call or email is often your first opportunity to make a personal connection with your prospects. In this webinar, we will discuss how to create interest and urgency without being a pushy sales person.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Ditch the Pitch & Create Real Value

Still pitching prospects? Ditch the smooth talk and old school sales tactics! Your prospects are savvy internet users and they are educated on you and your community before you have the opportunity to meet them in person. Let’s review a list of techniques you must avoid if you want to create real value.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

5 Questions (and Answers) To Ensure Your Sales Approach is Built for Success

Sellers used to have an informational edge; but as pundits like Daniel Pink point out, today’s prospects often know as much as the salesperson before they even step on the property. This webinar will ask (and answer) 5 critical questions likely on your mind:

  • What are the things I’m doing that sound right but are actually causing me to lose sales?
  • How can I best deal with the fact that prospects have done so much research before they even speak to me?
  • What is it that prospects really care about?
  • What are the common things prospects experience on their buying journey, and how can I increase my success by aligning with their needs?
  • What does it mean to be “customer centered” when I’m selling?

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Follow-up: The Secret to Success

Don’t be instantly discredited! In this webinar, we will discuss how proper follow up can lead to more leases. We will also share phrases to avoid when conducting follow up.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Followership – The Key to Great Leadership

“Never be a follower; always be a leader!” – Those are the words we hear from parents, teachers, coaches and employers for most of our lives. To be a follower is at the very least a weakness and at the most, paramount to failure! Yet, how can everyone be “the leader”?

There are naturally many more followers than leaders. Is this majority, those individuals who are follower-people, irrelevant or insignificant? We are a society in love with leadership and uncomfortable with followership, yet the two are inseparable! Though much has been written about leadership, skilled and active followership is as vital to success as good leadership. The proficiency and quality of the execution of a decision is often as important as the decision itself. Followers have the greatest opportunity to shine and contribute in a way that pushes the business to new heights.

Followership is NOT:

• Meek or passive
• Subservient or compliant
• Inferior

Followership IS:

• Responsible, engaged, and challenging
• Dynamic and courageous
• Collaborative
• Critical to the leading process

This powerful webinar presents the case for the importance of skilled followers who thoughtfully support, encourage, coach, influence and commend their leader. Never again should one feel as though a follower role is an inferior position. It is an essential component of a successful business team!

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Get the Telephone: Telephone Techniques That Work

Excellent salespeople know the importance of successful telephone interactions. In this fast-paced and fun session, we discuss:

  • The caller’s real goal
  • Techniques to create a positive and lasting first impression
  • How to “create the castle” in telephone interactions
  • Strategies to increase conversion rates
  • Basic phone etiquette that provides a positive perception
  • How to inspire desire and urgency

View the recorded webinar. Download the handout from this webinar.

Giving Feedback to People Who Cry, Yell, or Get Defensive

Giving clear, thoughtful feedback is a hallmark of a professional. Whether you are a supervisor giving feedback to an associate or just a coworker trying to ask a peer to do something differently, how you handle the conversation is critical. To make things tougher, what if the recipient cries, yells, or gets overly defensive at your comments? From this webinar, you will take home tools to:

  • Effectively give ANY feedback to ANYONE using the SBI model
  • Stay focused as you conduct the conversation with 4 tips to remember
  • Manage the crying reaction
  • Adjust YOUR comments to a yelling recipient
  • Get through to a defensive associate

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How (and When) to Follow Up

In this webinar, we will discuss how to follow up. This includes everything from handwritten notes to emails to phone calls. We will talk about when to follow up and what should be shared.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Be a Good Listener

If we listen, we can learn a lot from ratings and reviews. In this webinar, we learn how to extract the important information from reviews. We discuss what should and shouldn’t be implemented. And, we talk about how to respond to the people who give us valuable feedback.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Capture Renewals

Competition is getting tough! Are you capturing as many renewals as you would like? In this webinar, we discuss how to improve your renewal ratios.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Compete Differently and Effectively

ompetition is getting tough again as your peers all strive to be the best. In this webinar, we will discuss how to compete effectively and stand out to win with simple listening and observation techniques.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Create an Internet Lead Response Strategy

Discover how you can improve appointments and leads with the right Internet lead response strategy.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How to Create the Ultimate First Impression

With every first impression, you are evaluated by the person meeting you. These first impressions can be nearly impossible to reverse and they set the tone for the rest of your engagements throughout your relationship. In this webinar, we discuss how to create the ultimate first impression.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How to Effectively Communicate With Your Boss

Have you ever left a meeting with your boss feeling like they didn’t listen or didn’t understand what you needed? Maybe you don’t even bother to approach your boss anymore because you don’t believe they will ever see things your way. Does the thought of communicating with your boss produce tension and anxiety? No one ever prepared you for this stuff in school! The good news is that with a little preparation and practice, you can be on your way to confident and effective communication. In this webinar we dig deeper into these 5 points which will maximize your chances of really being heard by your boss.

  • Know how and when to communicate with your boss.
  • Be prepared. Make a business case and state what you need.
  • Stay calm and keep your emotions in check. Don’t cause drama.
  • Ask for feedback and actively listen.
  • Show your value.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Follow-Up: Site Teams

In this webinar, we look at the best email and follow up strategies to turn prospects into residents. (This session is designed for site teams.)

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
BONUS: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

How To Follow-Up: Marketing and Regional Teams

In this webinar, we discuss how to encourage email and follow up strategies that work for the site team. We also cover what makes a great email and how to achieve email marketing success. (This session is designed for marketing, regional support, and corporate support teams.)

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Get The Most Out of Your Shopping Report Feedback

An effective mystery shop reveals the things you don’t know rather than the things you do know. It is intentionally designed to focus on the things that are hard to see or observe such as how employees behave in difficult situations, how they engage with customers over the telephone and in-person, what distractions are taking their attention away from the customer, and more. Whether pleasant or painful, this feedback is staring you square in the face. Now what?

In this webinar, we discuss how to get the most out of your shopping report feedback. This includes:

  • Being open to and accepting the feedback.
  • Turning the information into a plan.
  • Turning your plan into action!

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How to Have a Great Relationship With Your Boss

A Gallup survey indicates that approximately 75% of people quit their jobs because of their bosses. Employees are very aware of the impact their bosses have on them; but have you ever thought of the impact you have on your boss? In this Webinar you’ll discover the importance of having a great relationship with your boss and how to be the employee your boss really wants and needs you to be

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Keep Up During Leasing Season

Leasing season is here! We know this time of year can be a bit exhausting. In this webinar, we will talk about what you can do to keep up with everything and maintain a great customer experience.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

The apartment industry is exciting right now. However, we face a major challenge. All of our properties look the same and have the same amenities! In this session, we will uncover how you can stand out from the crowd from a sales, customer experience, and marketing perspective.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How To Overcome Tough Objections

Competition is getting fierce, so in this webinar we discuss how to overcome common and usual objections in a way that creates value that sets you apart from your competition.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Listen. Then Sell. Create a Winning Sales Strategy

In this webinar, we discuss the best methods to develop a sales and business development strategy.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Make a Great First Impression and Build Lasting Rapport

With every first impression, you are evaluated by the person you meet. The first impression can be nearly impossible to reverse and it sets the tone for the rest of your engagements throughout your relationship. In this webinar, we will discuss how to create the ultimate first impression and build rapport that lasts.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Move Over Millennials – Here Comes Gen Z

In this webinar, we discuss how to prepare for Gen Z prospects and renters. We cover everything from personality traits to preferred communication methods.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Overcoming Community Weaknesses

Competition is stiff! And the toughest community weaknesses are the ones that are out of your control. Don’t worry though! In this webinar, we discuss how to overcome the uncontrollables.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View updated presentation.

Overcoming Objections

Objections can feel like rejection, but they usually mean the prospect is interested. They are giving you a chance to respond because they want to live at your community. It is an opportunity for you to get to know your prospect better, identify their needs and help solve the problem. Hear some of the most popular objections and how to overcome them. Competition is getting fierce, so you must learn to overcome common and usual objections in a way that creates value that sets you apart from your competition.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

Powerful Telephone Techniques

This is a great opportunity to refine your approach and make ‘Telephone Magic’ on your next leasing presentation. In this webinar, we  cover:

  • The Telephone – the most powerful tool in your office!
  • Why the Phone Prospect is the most Qualified Prospect.
  • Your #1 Objective for Handling the Telephone Prospect
  • The Secret Relationship building ingredient: FEP!
  • Six Steps to Make each Telephone call a Success!
  • Finding out Who, When, Where, Why and How Much?
  • Getting the Prospect to the property RIGHT NOW!

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.
Bonus slides and recording from updated webinar (03.2017).

Providing Value

In this webinar, we discuss how to provide value and how to sell the value of your apartment community.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Secrets of Developing High Performance Employees

As a leader, one of your main responsibilities is to create a high-performance team. Despite that, Gallup says that 70% of employees are “disengaged”. Lack of productivity, morale, and motivation all occur when your employees are disengaged. In addition, did you know that disengagement costs $2,000 per employee? OUCH!

In this Webinar we discuss the five key elements you need to create and develop a high-performance team. You’ll be challenged to clearly identify the performers on your team, from deadweight to superstar, and be given a clear action plan on what to do with all of them!

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Secrets of Developing High Performance Employees

As a leader, one of your main responsibilities is to create a high-performance team. Despite that, Gallup says that 70% of employees are “disengaged”. Lack of productivity, morale, and motivation all occur when your employees are disengaged. In addition, did you know that disengagement costs $2,000 per employee? OUCH!

In this Webinar we discuss the five key elements you need to create and develop a high-performance team. You’ll be challenged to clearly identify the performers on your team, from deadweight to superstar, and be given a clear action plan on what to do with all of them!

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Selling & Communicating with Different Generations

Your sales success depends on understanding your different consumer groups. Learn how to succeed in today’s market with the challenge of generational complexities.

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • The unique demands of each generation of resident
  • What each generation values
  • Preferences of each of the 4 generations of renters

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.
February 2016: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

Selling in Your Customer’s Language

Every customer has a unique “language” they respond to when making their buying decisions. If you can learn to identify and speak your customer’s language, you will be that much closer to making the sale.

In this webinar, we’ve simplified this concept by narrowing it down to 4 basic “languages”:

  • Emotional
  • Facts and Logic
  • Information Surplus
  • The “WOW” Factor

This webinar will help you maximize your sales performance as you learn about the four buying languages. You will discover how to sell effectively to all of your prospects, no matter what “buying language” they speak!

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Six Competencies You Need Now

Multifamily property managers come from all kinds of backgrounds and experiences. Some are promoted, some enter in that role and others transition from other property management areas. Some are instantly successful, some have to work harder. A new challenge or crisis can upset any career momentum.

In this webinar, we discuss how to adjust and grow from where you are TODAY. What got you to your position today may NOT be enough to move you forward. Learn the 6 competencies essential to your ongoing and growing success! Walk away with a TO DO list that will bear professional fruit!

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Stop The Stinkin’ Thinkin’

Let’s cut to the chase. Every apartment community has one – the ‘loser’ apartment. It could be the location, features, or something else, but for whatever reason, we can’t seem to get it leased. With every potential renter, our internal sales/marketing voice demands: “I think I can… find the beauty. I think I can… turn the negative into a positive,” but deep down we just know this particular unit is ‘the little apartment that can’t’. This webinar reminds us of three very important lessons:

1. It’s not for you; it’s for them.
2. Stop the stinkin’ thinkin’
3. The goal is still the goal!

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Bonus: New slides from updated presentation.  View the updated presentation.

The Art of Follow-Up

This webinar is all about working your pipeline. We discuss how to follow up with current and cold leads.

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from this webinar.

The Art of Persuasion and Motivation

In this webinar, we discuss how to influence prospects through the art of persuasion. Whether it is motivating them to sign a lease or just visit your property, we cover it all.

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from this webinar.

The Essence of True Leadership

In this webinar we delve into traits that embody the essence of true leadership. Some characteristics we’ll discuss are:

  • Cultivation of Trust
  • Risk-taking and Sharing Recognition
  • Perseverance
  • Perpetual Learning
  • Emotional Intelligence

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

The Unacceptable Shopping Report: How to Conduct Effective Follow-up Training In-Person or Over the Telephone

The steps you take to prepare as the manager/trainer are just as important as the steps the employee will take towards improvement. How well you overcome potential training barriers such as fear, frustration, blame, ego and even time constraints will determine the overall success of your one-on-one training session. There are several important factors that come into play when your intention is to conduct effective follow-up training after an unacceptable shopping report:

  • Make training timely and convenient
  • Be prepared
  • Give open and honest feedback
  • Remove the blinders—yours and theirs

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

What To Say When You Follow Up

Follow up is the key to getting the lease, but it is often overlooked or completely forgotten! In this webinar, we discuss how to be be pleasantly persistent through all your communication channels.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Write Better Emails & Get the Lease

In this webinar, we learn how to write better emails than the competition, so we can get the lease! Are you still using a script when you email prospects? It is time to supercharge your emails with better subject lines, personalization, and timing!

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.


Budgeting for Social Media (3-part series)

We guide you through the steps of creating and effectively executing a strategy for social media engagement and demonstrating the value to you and your teams. Sessions are staged for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Beginner Social Media Strategy [view recorded webinar; download slides]

  • How to choose your platform (social, surveys, reviews)
  • What makes a strong social sedia & resident engagement program
  • Budgeting for a basic social media strategy
  • Basics of social ROI

Intermediate Social Media Strategy [view recorded webinar; download slides]

  • Introduction (brief recap of Part I)
  • Retention, referrals, influencers
  • Tools, outsourcing
  • Costs associated with an intermediate strategy
  • Proving ROI (measurement, reporting)

Advanced Social Media Strategy [view recorded webinar; download slides]

  • Introduction (brief recap of Parts I/II)
  • Campaigns development, lead generation
  • Social advertising, Facebook’s algorithm
  • Budgeting for an advanced program
  • Using an outside strategist
  • Advanced tools / Execution / Reporting

Context vs Content – How To Drive Results With Social Media Marketing

Content marketing has emerged as one of the best ways to qualify leads. However, as more companies focus on content marketing, it is becoming increasingly harder to stand out.

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • The Differences between Content and Context
  • How You Can Develop Relevant Content to Your Brand
  • Ways to Expand Reach, Drive Leads, and Increase Click-Through Rates

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Crisis Management: What to Do When You Make a Social Media Mistake

Are you ready for a crisis, big or small? Do you know what to do if an employee publicly embarrasses your company? In this webinar, we cover how to handle the situation and when to seek legal advice, as well as share true stories.

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from the webinar.

Getting Up After You’ve Been Knocked Down

In this webinar we discuss how to overcome negative reviews and a poor reputation. The webinar is full of real examples with suggestions on how to handle each situation. We will also discuss how to receive the negative feedback and share it with your teams as learning moments.

View the recorded webinar.  Download slides from this webinar.

How to Create Social Media and Reputation Management Campaigns that Really Work

In this session, we discuss how to take control and be proactive and strategic with your social media efforts.  Like everything we do, social media and reputation management is much stronger when there is a campaign behind it.  We will talk about everything from how to create a campaign to how to measure it.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How to Report Your Social Media Return on Investment (ROI)

Are you responsible for social media, and do you need help presenting your ideas and results to your boss? In this webinar, we talk about what to share and how to analyze the data.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How to Use Email in Apartment Marketing

Email marketing might not get as much attention as social media, but it is still one of the best ways to engage and retain prospects and residents. If done correctly, it can be an incredible tool that will help you quickly convert prospects to residents. However, you have to know some of the basics first.

In this webinar we will cover everything from how to ask for email addresses to how to craft the perfect subject line.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

How to Utilize Your Advocates

In this webinar we discuss how to use your best and most effective marketing tool, your resident advocates.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Identifying and Utilizing Brand Advocates

Influencer, advocate, ambassador…what do these terms mean? We are going to uncover what a brand advocate is and how to make them part of your community.

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • What characteristics do brand advocates display
  • What motivates customers to become advocates
  • How to use brand advocates to amplify your marketing

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Managing Negative Feedback and Online Trolls

Negative feedback and trolls put the fear in reputation management! But managing these things is much easier than you think!

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • How to identify a troll
  • How to handle a troll
  • How to prevent trolls

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.
Bonus: New slides from updated presentation. View the updated presentation.

Managing Social Media Marketing Burnout

Sometimes social media is exhausting! No matter your experience level, social media marketing burnout can be a challenge.

In this webinar, we discuss:

  • How to manage social media burnout
  • How to regain enthusiasm for social media marketing
  • How to maintain your zeal for social media marketing

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from this webinar.

Social Media: Quit Boring Content

In this webinar, discuss how to quit boring content and write ridiculously good content that is tailored to your audience.

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from the webinar.

So Many Social Networks, So Little Time

With limited time, it is imperative that you focus on the right social networks. In this webinar, we discuss how to determine what social networks are most beneficial for your property and your demographics.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Social Media: DIY or Call the Experts?

Think you can handle social media on your own? In this webinar, we discuss which social media functions should be handled at the property level and which are best left to the experts.

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Social Media: Exposure? Or Liability?

There are risks and liabilities that can come from social media exposure.

In this webinar, we cover:

  • Basic rules of social media
  • How does Fair Housing apply?
  • FTC guidelines
  • Quick compliance tips

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from this webinar.

Social Media: You’re Doing It Wrong

In this webinar, we discuss how you should be using social media. We will cover the art of storytelling and how to gather information to create an amazing customer experience. We will also discuss how to identify influences and engage them with your story.

View the recorded webinar. Download slides from this webinar.

Using Customer Feedback to Build Effective Social Media Strategies

Your customers are telling you exactly what they like and dislike, so why are you not making this part of your social media and marketing strategies?

In this webinar, we cover:

  • How to understand customer feedback
  • How to use social feedback to build an effective marketing strategy

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from this webinar.

What Residents and Prospects Want to See From You on Social Media

The rules of social media have changed again! In this webinar, we discuss what your residents and prospects want from you on social media and how you can develop a strategy to meet their needs.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

When to Take the Conversation Offline

Most of us prefer written communication, because it allows us time to think about what we want to say, but sometimes things are best said over the phone or in person. In this webinar, we will discuss when to leave the conversation online and when to pick up the phone.

View the recorded webinar.  Download the slides from the webinar.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Ignoring Social Media

Did you know social media is one of the easiest AND cheapest ways to reach your prospects? We will discuss how to develop a strategy to reach your target resident demographic.

View the recorded webinar. Download the slides from this webinar.

Visit our Event Calendar to view the full schedule of upcoming webinars.

